April 16, there was held a city audition of the National Beauty Contest “Miss Belarus” in the Brest state cultural center. It was clear at once that there would be no competition. “Only one girl came to compete, “Vecherni Brest”, a city evening newspaper reports.
There were others, members of the jury admitted. However, they had to sift them out at the application stage. Most often, the applicants did not meet one of the main criteria – height. He had to be at least 174 centimeters. The age range was 18 to 24.
So, all the attention was focused on Maria Kuleshova from Kobrin district. The girl is 180 cm tall and has “plaits till the ground. She is 20 years old. She is a teacher of bayan/accordion in Kiselevtsy. She studied at Brest Music College, is not indifferent to the study of foreign languages, loves communication and the stage.