The whole previous week the first beauty of the region, 20-year-old Veronika Kusheleva, spent in a dialogue with journalists. “Miss Minsk region” told about the contest, her dream and how much time a girl needs to get ready in the morning, in a conversation with journalists.
Why do the beauties need such contests?
TV and radio broadcasts, interviews in the press and a lot of pictures on the Internet, showing Veronica in the crown of the winner. Such attention, the girl admits, she did not expect:
– I woke up the next morning happy, but I still hadn’t understood what had happened. In social networks – solid congratulations! And I myself have not posted any pictures with a crown or ribbon of the winner on the Internet.
It was the first time Veronica participated in the competition.
– It was a very beautiful show. The idea to take part in it appeared spontaneously. Daddy said: “Go ahead, try it.” And I, after thinking for a while, decided: why not? I went in the first place to gain valuable experience, not to win. I met some interesting girls: all different, each of them beautiful in her own way, and everyone helped each other. No one cut a dress backstage. (Laughing.) For me, “Miss Minsk Oblast” is an honorary title. I’ll try to wear it with dignity.
– Why do girls need beauty contests if they are beautiful anyway? – I ask Veronica.
– I think that in the first place to overcome fears and complexes – she said. – Someone wants to conquer their insecurities and that’s why they go on the catwalk. During the contest, I saw that some of the contestants had a lot of trouble conquering their fears and getting on stage. I rejoiced at their small victories, admired their will. After this inner struggle, they became more confident.
Such contests are hard both emotionally and physically: 12-hour rehearsals in high heels is not for everyone.
– The contest in Borisov lasted more than five hours. Of course, the nervous tension was off-scale, – Veronika recalls. – But no matter how much we were nervous, we couldn’t show it. After all, the audience is watching you, the jury is evaluating you, and there are a lot of cameras and cameras on TV. And you have to shine in all your glory!
There is a dream! And a goal.
Veronica is a 3rd year student at A.M. Shirokov Institute of Modern Knowledge. She is getting a profession as a fashion designer. Now all her time is taken up with her studies: the session is in full swing.
– Teachers do not make any concessions due to participation in the contest. And there’s no need for that. I like it when I’m completely swamped with things, it helps me stay energized, and helps me to achieve my goals.
The list of her main hobbies includes creating fashion sketches, acrylic painting, fitness, and taking part in modeling shows. Veronica loves to read books on psychology, loves comedy movies. Her dream is to try herself as a stylist and work in a Parisian fashion house.
Like every girl, Veronica dreams of love.
– As a child I had a sheet on which I outlined the kind of groom I wanted. Now I have a young man. He is kind, smart, responsible, ambitious and well-mannered. The main thing – he respects my interests.
– How long does it take you to get ready for classes in the morning?
– Thirty minutes is enough. I feel comfortable without makeup. I’m an advocate of natural beauty. As for the ideal of feminine beauty, the number one example for me is my mother Natalia. When I look at her, who gave birth to us, four children, I understand that she looks amazing!
Veronica intends to continue to participate in contests. Next Sunday there will be a regional casting of “Miss Belarus” in Barysau.
– I’m already preparing for it, – confesses the beauty. – I haven’t considered what it would be like if I became “Miss Belarus – 2020. The previous winner, Maria Vasilevich, won the title at age 20. I’m the same age now. But I do not set a goal to repeat her path. It is certainly an interesting experience – to be involved in filming and daily rehearsals for a month – but I just want to go on stage and once again experience all the feelings that I have already experienced once.
Veronica Kusheleva from a large family, she has an older and younger sisters, as well as a younger brother. The beauty devoted the victory in the regional contest to her parents: her mother works as a doctor-defectologist, and her father is a businessman. Her relatives were her main supporters, and her victory is first of all their merit, she thinks.